Thursday, June 14, 2012

Again, No free lunches

Yes, I observed it again, there are no free lunches. There is always something at stake. Dignity, self respect, confidence or simply just faith or belief in our self.

Willinggness - a character

The level of willingness to withstand the pain, hardship and determination to avoid humiliation decdces the level of outcome of a task. These are a persons character not some traits needed to get hired of finish a task.

Magical executions

There doesn't seem to be magical anything. The one with more hardwork, effort to analyze what he thinks and dreams about and plenty and plenty of continuous perspiration with in the time frame can create something above ordinary which if very high above ordinary will be perceived by ordinary as extraordinary and even to the level of Magical.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

This brain is like ...everything.

My brain is like.. everything. At times, it feels like as if it is formless, it can achieve anything. it can think any way that it feels ok to think. At the same time it has a form also. it has some opinions, some thoughts, some ideas, some feelings. If i toy with it's feelings, it bounces back. it makes me believe that it is thinking about what i want it to think but at the same time, once i start to look deeper, i feel like i am being observed regarding what i have asked my mind to do. Man, this stuff has great potential. Should i be afraid of human minds potential or be happy for it having such a potential. But what ever, we do have that potential and it is in my brain.

It is like i always have it but neither i can use instantly nor i can loose it instantly. It has to be trained,molded and guided. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

There are two kinds of two people in the world. One who construct their professional work around their other works and those who construct their other work around their professional work.  The 2nd kind of people are less in number.