Saturday, December 14, 2013

There can be many great ideas, but there can only be one great execution.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Doing things at ease and comfort is a highly over rated delusion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

You are always judged and u do the same all the time.

U are judged and u will always be judged. It is not a bad thing. It is not negative. Even you always judge yourself. you feel elated if you bring the results and get bit disappointed if you fail to bring results. there is nothing like 'partial result'. Either you got the result or not. That's it. If you say, there is a thing like 'partial result', you are just not clear of the results.

You not only judge yourself but you judge others also. it is constant and continuous process. you might not be judging who is the best. you may call it understanding in common sense. you may call it finding whether a physician good or not. you wont go to a physician with  out knowing whether he is good or not. you may choose his service in emergency. in that situations, the only reason being it to be an emergency. u dont have an option.

if you are saying that your friend is a good person, you judged him against its complimentary - 'not being so good'. we, most of the times, do not try to judge a person whether good or bad but whether a person good or not so charmingly good (in other words - average).

In your life, if you want to be 'not a bad person', you will become that. if you want to be a 'not the worst performer', you will become that. Do not misunderstand that you will become good person by wanting to be 'not a bad person' and a good performer by wanting to become 'not a worst performer'. you can become either a good or a best performer only by saying it so.

After all, what you tell yourself is just the first step in becoming what you tell yourself. what you really become depends on what you do (which gets greatly influenced by what you tell yourself). it is the action that decided what you will be. what you are now is a result of what you did so far. if you are a well talking person with low results, that's what you did so far- at least in the last few yrs.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I am my own Nemesis

I have become my own nemesis.
If there is anyone who is pulling me down, it is me. I reject all the people who come to help and have built my defences so  strong that I deny to see the inevitable downfall.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Did I use intellectualization to cover up?

Did I use intellectualization to cover my short coming? My effort to analyze failure - was it a decoy to cover my laziness to work hard? Am I lazy?

What to do now? I dont know.

Am I stretching things too much. Is it the reason why I have failed?  What good will it be even if I pursue? But if I leave, how do I know whether I am leaving out of fear or to TRULY start again?

Friday, September 20, 2013

To be...

To be the most aggressive, but never threatening
To be the most competitive, but never belittling
To be the most focused, but never ignoring

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Clouds of Tar

When the dark clouds of tar.. drench me in full
The gloom of present .. engulfs my mind
The light of shine.. wanes into darkness
My soul crumbles, cripples.. making a cruch into fetal position.

Fear is not much frightening
Sorrow drags into the back row
Tumbling and crawling, comes front the spirit
To take an oath to leap forth.

No right, no wrong, the world is full of both
Every cloud has a broad darkness
Cruel, the nature, full of kindness
We bask in both. Day in and day out.

The good of past, a hallucination in current
The memories are a kiss on cheek with a slap on the other
I love both while leaning towards one.

Courage wakes me again, pulling up strength
Darkness still around. Far is the light.
Mind fixed, I take a step in the darkness
Long way my friend, long way ahead.

- O