Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The facts of life-Buddha said

1. we are living
2. we will die.
3. The vegetative state.
4. we do have a goal-buddha
5. Life is goal-bdh
6. awareness - the method for goal-bd
7. not seeking = seeking
8. seeking is not freedom
9. no freedom = no life.
10. There is a challenge. There is a response. There is a result.

The Desire

14. It is the desire that makes a man victim but it is also the desire that makes the man achiever.
15. A desire to seek pleasures and a desire to execute and surpass. Yes they do exist.
16. A desire to be on the top of the world is also like making the defining moment of mankind when looked from the brighter side.

Birth to death: we can only contribute

 some of the desires are so strong, so powerful that the message they leave is 'jaw dropping'. we die one day. we die and we all die.
     we always think of what we want. surprisingly, there is nothing that we take with us. Even the body which has been with us from birth till death can not be taken. It belongs here. It stays here. We always ask and we never think that we can only contribute.

The action was decided long back.

 We have already decided our actions long back we experienced the situations. Just we are not aware of what we have decided. 

spiritual n contributory realizations

. spiritual realization of my being is not sufficient for me. I want to see contributory realization also

The fledgling and the killer

Passion is freedom. When we feel passionate, we commit ourselves to the freedom in outcome. Passion is like being in love.
     It is like you climbled a rock and start ... (i could not find the exact word) at the height of your pitch. passion is always there in our heart. it always sings. so sweet is the song
     so mesmarizing are the lines that we forget our own existence. But most of us somehow train ourselves to not to listen to the silent song that starts immediately we let our hearts to sing. We train ourselves to ignore it. We insult it. We belittle the song of passion of heart. We silently kill it. It is a cold blooded murder and we are the murderers.

the constraints -obvious

while studying_
In MBA, to an extent, i learned how to understand the premise that for every action, there are always constraints with in which we work. This is true for each and every aspect of our life. I learned to identify and accept the constratins how ever minute they are.

The question decides the answer

-if i have to answer a question yes or no, i need to have the data that says yes or no but never ambigious
-what constitutes 'refreshing from work'? at times the refreshing takes very long time right?
-It seems that we take more amount of time to refresh than the amount of time we invest in execution of what we desire.

winning over us

-winning over us, is such a foolish concept. You can not loose to your self! Only thing should happen is to understand your self.

shifting through thoughts

-There is so much of pain while shutting down one chain of thought and moving to the chain of thought that is more productive. It is not just understanding the productivity that make us shift from our decisions. In the weakest of our moments lies the true strength that we possess.

Beyond the differences, there is uniformity

Humanity has no language. We are so stupid, so beastly that we create all the differences by our selves. we idiots, scoundrels, dirty creatures. Have you ever observed a person being rejected by any person of any nationality, race, religion, ethnicity when he tries to keep the water clean, create an ingenious architectural marvel, a machiene that can relieve the physical burden of day to day life. No, no one stops him. He is welcome by all even if one does not know the language or culture of other. Beneath all the differences that we see all the time, there is uniformity. It is "we are all humans". "we are living beings". This is what we have to see. Never the differences.

-At times, i see an extra ordinary person in the world doing marvelous, i mean it, truely marvelous acts that i just feel like bowing infront of in a way to thank him. "Thank you, you are called human".

good vs. good - our daily fight

-a good idea and an unwanted good idea.
-a good idea and non allied good idea
-a good idea and perfect good idea
-a good idea and a good idea of not doing the good idea
-a good idea and a better idea of not doing the good idea
-creativity seeks freedom, execution seeks constraints. In practical world, constraints win but creativity leads the path. stupid to think we should have one. They are apples and organges. can not be compared, can not be chosen from. one starts the action other makes the action a reality. They differ in time.