Humanity has no language. We are so stupid, so beastly that we create all the differences by our selves. we idiots, scoundrels, dirty creatures. Have you ever observed a person being rejected by any person of any nationality, race, religion, ethnicity when he tries to keep the water clean, create an ingenious architectural marvel, a machiene that can relieve the physical burden of day to day life. No, no one stops him. He is welcome by all even if one does not know the language or culture of other. Beneath all the differences that we see all the time, there is uniformity. It is "we are all humans". "we are living beings". This is what we have to see. Never the differences.
-At times, i see an extra ordinary person in the world doing marvelous, i mean it, truely marvelous acts that i just feel like bowing infront of in a way to thank him. "Thank you, you are called human".