Monday, February 21, 2011

Being taken for granted

తీసి పడెయ్యడం నేను ఒప్పుకోలేను. I do not accept taken for granted. I do not like being put aside. I do not like to be out side lime light. I do not accept people talking about me in a careless manner. I want to be talked about my accomplishments. I will make every one know. I will be acknowledged. I will not 'one among many'. I am 'The one'. I am a person of accomplishment. I do not like being treated unwanted. Never Never Never. My work, the world needs. My thought, the world needs. My life, the world talks. I am the person. I am the lime light. I am the creator. I am not the god. I am not a power. I am the module. I am the continuum. I am the process. I am not god. I am the man of will. I will cry if i fail. I will suffer if i fail. I will not accept if i fail. I never compete with people. I never compete with people. I will compete with concept. I bring new ideas. I bring more understanding. I will help people see their destiny. I will give my knowledge to the next generation. I want my fellow people to have my knowledge. I spent vast amount of energy to get and understand what i understood. I will give this to you. You do not go all the way i have gone. Finish it fast and go beyond where i have gone. I am one among those few who carry the baton. I love you. I do not like to be taken for granted. If i am forever, you will take me for granted. I am not forever. I will leave, once my part is over.

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