Monday, December 5, 2011

Everyone's life is simple and alone

"हर एक का जिंदगी अकेलाही होता है". Everyone's life is simple and alone. Yeah, it is alone. But many people think that they have company. Yeah, they do have company but it is limited. Even the spouse has a limited access what you think compared to what you deal with and how you do things throughout your life. Though He/she is the person who knows better than anyone. But our lives are alone. And for this we should neither feel sorry nor disappointment.

Lets see the same things from a different perspective. Instead of saying "alone" lets use the word "solitary". Solitary has more broader meaning. It is like giving yourself some space and some time to think. You act according to your desires. You will not be lost in the day to day activities. At the same time, you can also track your activities. 

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