Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Should we ignore everyone?

In our pursuit, should we ignore everyone? Should we denounce everyone? The answer is both 'yes' and 'no'. It depends on both the time and the need of the hour.

It is 'no' for most of the times. However a 'no' does not mean that we have to be with all the people for a long durations of time (the option 'all the time' is not even considered). We just have to be there only til the time needed. Nothing more nothing less.  But we should keep in mind that our job comes first because it is our responsibility not some one else's.  We agreed, we promised to do our job, so we should do. If our job gives even a little amount of relief, we should have the courtesy to call the people and wish them. No one is too busy for that.

The answer is 'yes' because our work comes first.  We have to say no to others in a nice way.  We have to say no to ourselves also to get the work done with in time frame to get the intended results.

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