Monday, December 5, 2011

Religion vs. God

Religion is an Institution and God is Hope. 

Everyone's life is simple and alone

"हर एक का जिंदगी अकेलाही होता है". Everyone's life is simple and alone. Yeah, it is alone. But many people think that they have company. Yeah, they do have company but it is limited. Even the spouse has a limited access what you think compared to what you deal with and how you do things throughout your life. Though He/she is the person who knows better than anyone. But our lives are alone. And for this we should neither feel sorry nor disappointment.

Lets see the same things from a different perspective. Instead of saying "alone" lets use the word "solitary". Solitary has more broader meaning. It is like giving yourself some space and some time to think. You act according to your desires. You will not be lost in the day to day activities. At the same time, you can also track your activities. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

some said, she won't help even though she can

One of my friend said  "she will talk very nice. She has lot of resources. She has acquaintances of influential people. But if you ask for a favor, she will give some reason to avoid. Don't trust her. Stay away" .

I think my friend misinterpreted her. First thing i should ask is why she should help one? Just because she has access to influential resources? No. I do not think that she can keep on pushing her acquaintances for some one else. When i looked at her closely. She is a person of challenges. Her academic record is good. I am sure that she can not manipulate that record continuously. She has the traits that will make any one whether with acquaintances or not will take to the top position in their work. Her concentration is undisturbed. Her schedule is clear. Her determination to maneuver through the day to day task is sure to take her to top the top rung of the ladder. She is damn good at work.

Surprisingly, the acquaintances she got are somethings that have happened by chance. She did not pick any of her associations by choice. They have happened by chance. Her relatives are in good social positions. Her parents are successful and well known doctors. Her family diaspora are in good positions in the world elite centers. None of this she chose. I do not think she ever had a chance to decide in which family to born.

One more thing i am sure of. The world top class institutions do not keep people because they know the people. Such institutions crumble to a heap of ash in no time. The institution will be a failure. When we say world class, it means world class in talent. So, what keeps an institute in the business of talent in top position? Talent alone. Nothing else.

I ask not only my friend but everyone to stop to that we can expect (except in dire circumstances) the people with associations should be helping. If we think "WHO WILL HELP IF NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ACCESS?", Let me tell my friend "with all the knowledge in the world that we are simply wrong".   

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This is what Steve Jobs said : DEATH

Death is the most important tool. It helps to make the big choices in life. All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. It helps you to remember  that you are going to die and this is the best way to know how to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. 

Even our close relatives don't remember us 6months after we die. We die like many. As shakespears said, the world is a stage and we are just players. It is ok if there are only few players but what if there are 6 billion players. In this context what Steve jobs did to the world becomes significantly important. He did something and it changed the pace of change. 

Now, the question is where do we stand? 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Success & Economy

The success and basic survival of each species, to be more precise, each individual of the species depends of economy. Economy of every action, every reaction. If the species is not economical in its energy, resources, reproduction and reactions, it will be deleted by the process of natural selection. so are we. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

love & living

Love. Love is great. One should have to fall in love to feel it. It is like the feeling that you get when you win something of great importance. Only you can feel it. You can say " I feel great" "I am on cloud 9". But no one else, but you can feel how its like to be on "cloud 9".

Is love sufficient to live together? No, not at all. Love is a great component. It is the mortar. It keeps things together. It gives the smooth finishing. It is the central pillar. But you need bricks. You can not build a house just with mortar. That's not how it works. One should know this. Once you know the truth, you will be less prejudiced. You will be more prepared.

love & like

Believe me when i say that we can like two people equally and may not be able to tell whom we like most but we can never ever love two people. If one says that he / she is in love with two, they just does not know that only one of it is true. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

we can feel what's going to come

We always know. We can feel it. We always know how things end up. In the beginning we have a vague idea. As we go forth, the idea starts to take form and as the final day of execution closes, the vivid nature of outcome can be seen in front of our eyes. SO, WE KNOW HOW IT ENDS. WE CAN FEEL IT. IT IS ALWAYS THERE ALL AROUND US. Most of the times, we are unwilling to acknowledge its presence. It is a sentinel, it is guide. It directs us. Take its help. It is a silent sentinel and a good omen.  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

So strong is the wind. It blows hard in my face. I can feel the gritty nature of the wind. The swirls of wind come in gusts. I hold my ground. No hesitation. I see my target clearly. It is neither close nor far. I take my bow and arrow. The first one hits the bulls eye. The second too. The third also made its way. The wind changed its direction. Now it flows from right to left diagonally. THERE IS STILL DUST IN THE WIND. i MOVE AND CHANGE MY PLACE. Now i move to my right, use the speed and the direction of wind to shoot the target again and again. It is a game that never ends. It is a game of success. one should learn how to take pleasure in playing. Play is hard. never assume it to be easy. It is hard. Play the hard part with pleasure. Learn it. Learn to win. Win becomes you

struggle to survive: It is pity

I watch people everyday. Almost everyday. They struggle to survive. They do not struggle less than those who struggle to excel. It is pity. If we just think of surviving, we will always be at the mercy of someone else. It is pathetic. The grace and joy of freedom does not lie with subordination. Especially, the subordination to survive. WE ARE BORN TO EXCEL.  The day to day language used by the people who just want to survive is the problem. It is this language that acts like a constant demoralizing autohypnotic drug that gradually degrades the spirit to excel.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Known answer & the question that is no more of interest

Does it matter? Does it matter even though we have the answer.  Does it matter when we know the answer and the question itself is no more a question of interest? 

who tells it is pain?

Let's not go after things just because they are more tough to pursue or just because there is more pain in it and because more people won't pursue that path. Lets pursue a goal because we can have the pleasure of travelling and because that is what we constitute.

By the way, who tells what is 'pain'? How in the world one can define what is pain? Is it the difficulty that is called pain or is it the temporary feeling of high level of discomfort that makes us call it 'pain'. who tells what level of discomfort is the minimum to call it pain?

Md. Ali, the boxer whom the world remembers never seemed to call receiving a punch in face 'painful'. Lance Armstrong never seemed to call riding his bike is painful enough to stop pursuing the goal even in the times of gloomy and bleak future. 

Technically speaking, the 'Pain' has two components. The 'physical' and the 'emotional'. Most of the times, almost all of the times, for a common man, it is the emotional part that strikes first. The blow is severe enough for most of the people to loose interest in pursuing the 'physical' part.
The physical part will obviously difficult. Lets not confuse 'difficulty' with 'impossibility' here. The level of uncertainty will be always there with any unaccomplished physical work. The uncertainty has to be converted into certainty. This requires the desire to succeed (a desire 'not to fail' is not sufficient), guided work and time.

Never to forget that pain is temporary and pleasure that comes from pursuing a tough task is long lasting.

The mean job

Never to do a mean job. It is disrespecting yourself. When you can not respect yourself and when you cannot respect your values, then how in the world another person can do that for you?

The work has to be intellectual. Let's take pride in intellectual work. At the same time, one should not get confused 'mean work' for 'physical work'. They are different completely.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The pursuit

It is foolish if any one thinks it is good to think just to survive. We are born to excel. The suffering and unfair treatment we get in our attempt for being ordinary and our attempt to survive is much worse.

True win= {[(a)(main goal)]-[(b)(finances)]-[(c)(time)]} / 3

The win formula, as i believe, should not rest solely on finishing job. From my business school experience, i can say that the 'win' should be seen from the perspective of at least 3 parameters. The goal, The Time, and the Finance. Out of these three, 'time' is the non-renewable resource. Let's not forget this.

The 'win' depends at least on these 3 parameters. The weightage of each parameter changes with the project. The weightage of 'Time' and 'Finance' should be least for any project. Least, not in relative terms. Not relative to the other parameters. But in their own terms.

                       TRUE WIN = { [(a) (main goal)] - [(b) (finances)] - [(c) (time)] } / 3

a,b & c are the weightage that one gives these parameters. They change as per the project. 

We must understand that 100% is almost impossible. What we should always try is to reach as close possible as to 100%. 

Once a project is over, one should treat himself for pursuing the goal. Furthermore, b'fore one starts any project, it is always good to analyse oneself using SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to understand the depth, risks, threats of the project and limitations of oneself.

I have my goals pretty clear

I have my goals pretty clear. As clear as crystal water. very clear and rigorously checked out. I have my principle goal. Then followed by two supporting and self satisfying goals. They are continuous. They define me. I am very clear about defending them. I know how to defend them. The giant lighthouse has to be built strong. The light that comes out of it should be sharp and unquestionable. The journey will be perilous but that is where the most joy lies. The day to day pain of ordinary life is miserable. Let us take the pride in having pain that comes from pursuing tough and ambitious goals.

Monday, August 15, 2011

when you get up in the morning, the whole world looks different. In a way, you seem to be far ahead of many.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It touches the skies and it's shadow tall and strong all over.

rules & confirmity

when the rules are rewritten, there is no conformity of success.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

In a way religion is slavery !???

In a way, religion is slavery. People think that god gives them hope. But in fact, it is he same person who assures himself of hope. He believes that he will be listened, he will be taken care of. Once a person gives his worrying concerns to someone to bother about, he becomes free. He is fresh again and fresh to think about the problem whole again. Once the problem is something that of not urgent, he will be assured.

The atheists also get the same comfort if someone else, if not god, can take care of their problems.

the two new sites

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A different team India to rid what ails the country - The Times of India

A different team India to rid what ails the country

CHANDIGARH: A campaign that was born in cyberspace from London to free India of its ills, is exploring possibilities of taking roots in northwest India comprising Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Chandigarh and Jammu and Kashmir.

The brain behind the campaign, one of the most popular on the net, Shantanu Bhagwat, who quit his lucrative job of an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer, to plunge into politics, on Monday met a group of youngsters from the region here. He was accompanied by a former nuclear scientist Dr Akalpita Paranjape and a software technologist Dipinder Sekhon.

Around 150 such leaders have come together to form a Freedom Team of India (FTI) to act as a "forum for policy, strategy and leadership development to promote the freedoms of the great peoples of India."

Dr Paranjape who retired from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and Bhagwat said the grouping hopes to offer its leadership to India along with the world's best policies to improve governance in India.

It is driven by a citizen leadership concept where there is no leader but a collection of bright people who shape policies and prepare citizenry. Adharshila, one of the activities, is focused on preparing citizenship. Adharshila is being designed and may be launched in a few months.

Bhagwat said, the forum's mission is, "An India where everyone is guaranteed equal opportunities and equal dignity and has freedom to pursue his or her own happiness under an accountable and participative government." He added, "We favour a change in the body of systems to bring about this situation."

Though during the interaction, they did not offer any specific policy framework, yet they indicated why there should be an electronic accounting system in which each deal is tracked and why tax collection and distribution is left to the lowest bodies of governance. Socialistic policies, according to them, have lost their relevance and a true capitalistic system, unlike the crony one India has, appears to be their guiding philosophy.

The concept of FTI was proposed in mid-2006 on the internet in the manuscript of a 2008 book, "Breaking Free from Nehru". Bhagwat spends a fortnight in London and India each to run the campaign.

In an open letter released to citizenship, the team has made it clear that it is a formation away from socialistic framework and wedded to liaises faire to unleash opportunities and freedoms for individuals to grow and the nation to benefit from their growth.

Read more: A different team India to rid what ails the country - The Times of India

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The people of poverty

It seems it is the poverty not the abundance that breeds greed. Where there is poverty, there is law breaking. When there is no hope to deal an issue with dialogue, comes the need to answer a call with brute physical force. The deep seated animal instinct of human comes out. It crashes out on others till it gets satisfied.

The rage and rationality are two different things. The out come depends on which takes the upper hand. The battle ground is human. Even if one of these is two is in command, the other tries to comes out at times and cause unrest. When the rage is all over and the sheer power is showing it's presence all over, the rationality comes to conscience in the form of a child's face, a helpless lady's pleadings, in a powerless man's situation. When the rationality is in command, the rage brings an unrest when some people try to take advantage of our rationality. When our humbleness is taken for granted, when our kindness is misinterpreted and we are called traitors.

This is the moment that needs your highest 'super ego' to start working. THE MORAL VALUES SHOULD BE HELD HIGH NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. If you fail, the people who believed in you also fail. IF YOU FAIL, WITH YOU TEN PEOPLE FAIL.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being taken for granted

తీసి పడెయ్యడం నేను ఒప్పుకోలేను. I do not accept taken for granted. I do not like being put aside. I do not like to be out side lime light. I do not accept people talking about me in a careless manner. I want to be talked about my accomplishments. I will make every one know. I will be acknowledged. I will not 'one among many'. I am 'The one'. I am a person of accomplishment. I do not like being treated unwanted. Never Never Never. My work, the world needs. My thought, the world needs. My life, the world talks. I am the person. I am the lime light. I am the creator. I am not the god. I am not a power. I am the module. I am the continuum. I am the process. I am not god. I am the man of will. I will cry if i fail. I will suffer if i fail. I will not accept if i fail. I never compete with people. I never compete with people. I will compete with concept. I bring new ideas. I bring more understanding. I will help people see their destiny. I will give my knowledge to the next generation. I want my fellow people to have my knowledge. I spent vast amount of energy to get and understand what i understood. I will give this to you. You do not go all the way i have gone. Finish it fast and go beyond where i have gone. I am one among those few who carry the baton. I love you. I do not like to be taken for granted. If i am forever, you will take me for granted. I am not forever. I will leave, once my part is over.

In this govt school, people make things happen - The Times of India

In this govt school, people make things happen

HASSAN: Most people have a perception that government schools lack amenities, but in Mallapanahalli, Holenarsipur taluk, the villagers join hands with students and teachers of the government higher primary school every year during the harvest season in the month of January and February and donate paddy to help them buy the necessary equipments for the school and to organize union day (school day).

Speaking to TOI, K S Srinivas, a teacher with Mallapanahalli government higher primary school said, "Since the year 2002, the school has been organizing a unique programme every year where students and teachers go from house to house to collect paddy from the villagers. Later, we sell the donated paddy and generate around Rs 12,000 to 15,000 which also includes the money donated by the villagers for developmental works of the school."

He says though the school was started in 1970, the school authorities never organised a union day due to the absence of a stage. But the contribution of paddy and money has helped school authorities construct a stage and the money has also been utilised for the past eight years to organize union day in a grand manner.

The paddy donating system of the villagers has helped the school authorities immensely -- today, the school has a drum set, 200 steel plates, mikes, speakers, computer tables, three cupboards and a DVD player to televise documentary movies, says Manjunath, a villager. "We should not depend on the government for everything. Every government school should organize these kinds of unique programmes for the development of the school," he added.

"We are proud to say that after seeing our development, 10 students who were with private schools in Holenarsipura have joined our school in 2010-2011. Now the school has a strength of 182 students. This year, so far, after selling the donated paddy, we have earned Rs 13,800 and with the help of the gram panchayat we have started constructing a compound around the school," said teacher K S Srinivas.

Read more: In this govt school, people make things happen - The Times of India

Character of the week: Petrus « Paulo Coelho's Blog

Character of the week: Petrus

The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight the Good Fight.

The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as wise and fair and correct in asking so little of life. We look beyond the walls of our day-to-day existence, and we hear the sound of lances breaking, we smell the dust and the sweat, and we see the great defeats and the fire in the eyes of the warriors. But we never see the delight, the immense delight in the hearts of those who are engaged in the battle. For them, neither victory nor defeat is important; what’s important is only that they are fighting the Good Fight.

And, finally, the third symptom of the passing of our dreams is peace. Life becomes a Sunday afternoon; we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anything more than we are willing to give. In that state, we think of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasies of our youth, and we seek personal and professional achievement. We are surprised when people our age say that they still want this or that out of life. But really, deep in our hearts, we know that what has happened is that we have renounced the battle for our dreams – we have refused to fight the Good Fight.

When we renounce our dreams and find peace, we go through a short period of tranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within us and to infect our entire being.
We become cruel to those around us, and then we begin to direct this cruelty against ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychoses arise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointment and defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice.

And one day, the dead, spoiled dreams make it difficult to breathe, and we actually seek death. It’s death that frees us from our certainties, from our work, and from that terrible peace of our Sunday afternoons

words of Petrus, my guide during The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela