The win formula, as i believe, should not rest solely on finishing job. From my business school experience, i can say that the 'win' should be seen from the perspective of at least 3 parameters. The goal, The Time, and the Finance. Out of these three, 'time' is the non-renewable resource. Let's not forget this.
The 'win' depends at least on these 3 parameters. The weightage of each parameter changes with the project. The weightage of 'Time' and 'Finance' should be least for any project. Least, not in relative terms. Not relative to the other parameters. But in their own terms.
TRUE WIN = { [(a) (main goal)] - [(b) (finances)] - [(c) (time)] } / 3
a,b & c are the weightage that one gives these parameters. They change as per the project.
We must understand that 100% is almost impossible. What we should always try is to reach as close possible as to 100%.
TRUE WIN = { [(a) (main goal)] - [(b) (finances)] - [(c) (time)] } / 3
a,b & c are the weightage that one gives these parameters. They change as per the project.
We must understand that 100% is almost impossible. What we should always try is to reach as close possible as to 100%.
Once a project is over, one should treat himself for pursuing the goal. Furthermore, b'fore one starts any project, it is always good to analyse oneself using SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to understand the depth, risks, threats of the project and limitations of oneself.
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