Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is what i talk genuine or just a blabbering?

At times i wonder, do i just talk like this or do i really have some stuff? like am i genuine while i talk. It's been i think 10yrs. from the moment i started to take analyzing, assessing and incorporating what i see in and around me. NO,NO, i am serious. i did it. But i also question myself am i just bluff? But i can feel the answer for this question. Yes, i can feel it. I can stop talking and start listening at any moment. When i said listening, i mean understanding the concept from other person's point of view. The speed with which i can do that is something really interesting for me. I do not say surprising because i do not if speed should be considered at all a parameter.

But you know what!, i am really happy with the way i did it. Life is living, understanding and dying. In Buddha's words.. There is a challenge, there is a response and there is a result, we die. To a great extent we can not eliminate challenge, but we can work to decide what kind of challenges we face. We respond definitely, as not responding also becomes a kind of response and whether we like it or not there is a result. And after some time of this cycle of repetition, we die.

I am sure the next phase of this life will be interesting. I am sure and i can see how it comes.


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