Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The method has to incorporate more challenges

It has to be done. It has to be done for the purpose of pride. It has to be done to understand what is the true nature of education. To understand how we can increase the level of performance. How we can mesmerize the world with the power of success. In the beginning no one will recognize us. It is good as we can work alone. As i progress, i need to improve more.

The current pattern of my study has some problems. Something is wrong. Either my definition of how to work, when to work and how well to work and when to take rest. My definitions are not giving me the required results. I am not happy. I want to finish the chapters with more confidence. The mode of my preparation when i started for USMLE is different from my current mode. It has to be improved definitely. I know i am doing better than many but i am not happy with myself. My two true definitions of education. One, that i have to understand the subject clearly. Second, i have to perform excellently in exams with no exceptions.

I will change it from tomorrow. The first two weeks of preparation was good as i had clear idea about what to study. As i started to study more and more topics and as my knowledge has increased, my focus has changed meanwhile. The level of dedication decreased little bit. To be frank, i am not happy with this. I will add something that will challenge me. It has to inspire me and at the same time should challenge me severely. It has to test me severely now itself so that i can take the final exams with eased difficulty.

The final exam is definitely difficult. I know that a minor mistake will bring a major disaster "And I can not Afford It"

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