Monday, November 3, 2014

The disinterest is overcome (and could be done again and again)

In spite, I continued to study. I was reading the chapter one after other. I had no interest in the chapter even though I wanted to learn, there was some kind of half hearted effort. So, I continued to study, after one hr or so I somehow asked my self "what chapter I am reading? "I could not answer my self. That's the beginning of waning disinterest in the topic. After few seconds say, 5 or 10, I was able to tell the name. Then slowly came the main headings in that topic. Then the subheading after turning few of the pages. Then I was actively asking my self how one concept is similar and different from the other. I tried to analyze and overtime, have put the effort to memorize. So, in one sentence "the dis interest could be overcome"

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